‘Environment Day’ was celebrated for pre-primary students recently. An activity was conducted in which tiny toddlers planted the saplings. The main motto behind this activity was to create awareness about environment amongst the students.
Paper fan craft was conducted during the month of July. This activity was conducted to make the students creative, to develop their confidence level and to increase their concentration power.
Paper crumpling activity was conducted during the month of July. This activity was conducted to make the students creative, to enhance their concentration power, thinking power, learn to be patient and also develop their presentation skill.
Clay activity was conducted during the month of July. This activity was conducted to develop their creativity, knowledge of colouring scheme and artistic ability.
Poster making activity was conducted during the month of July. This activity was conducted to improve the creativity, imagination, thinking and presentation skill of the students.
Pista shell craft activity was conducted during the month of July. This activity was conducted make the students creative, knowledge of colouring scheme, to enhance thier patience and artistic ability.
Balloon Day was celebrated for the students of Pre-Primary Section. Activity room was decorated with balloons of different colours, shapes & sizes. Students danced at the tune of ‘Balloon Day’ song. The main motto behind this activity was to impart knowledge of colours, sizes & shapes. All the students enjoyed the activity.
Balloon Day was celebrated for the students of Pre-Primary Section.Activity room was decorated with balloons of different colours, shapes& sizes. Students danced at the tune of ‘Balloon Day’ song. The main motto behind this activity was to impart knowledge of colours, sizes & shapes. All the students enjoyed the activity.