Category Class 10

‘Making Utility Box’ activity was conducted in Std X. The motto to conduct this activity is to teach the students to utilize waste material to make Utility boxes. Also to enhance their fine motor skills, make use of waste material in a creative way, imaginative skill, practical knowledge and personal growth.

Category Class 9

‘Block Printing’ activity was conducted in std IX. The motto to conduct this activity is to teach the students to make patterns and designs on fabric. Also to enhance their fine motor skills, creativity, imaginative skill, practical knowledge and personal growth.

Category Class 8

‘Mat Making’ activity was conducted in std VIII. The main motto to conduct this activity is to develop students creativity, imaginative power, fine motor skills and help them to use their stitching and knotting techniques to make a durable mat.

Category Class 7

‘Hand Embroidery’ activity was conducted in Std VII. The motto to conduct this activity is to enhance fine motor skills through Creativity & imaginative skill, practical knowledge, personal growth.

Category Class 6

Stencil making activity was conducted in std. VI. The main motto to conduct this activity was develop creativity, fine motor skills, patience and self-esteem, problem solving techniques and entrepreneurial skills. It also improved their imaginative power thinking and presentation skills.